Tell Tale Signs You Need To Upgrade Your Pram
Wednesday, March 06, 2019
The quality and age of your pram will determine the safety and comfort of your children when on the move. If you recognise any of these signs that your pram is on the way out, be sure to start budgeting to upgrade your pram.
Tell-Tale Signs It's Time To Upgrade Your Pram
Some of our most used and loved items remain in our possession for longer than they should. A pram is an item that is used daily, and critical to the smooth running of your household. That does not mean you have to accept that broken wheel or make do with the damaged belt. The quality of your pram will determine the safety and comfort of your child, so if you recognize any of these signs - it’s time to upgrade your pram.
1. Clunky Design
There is nothing worse than a pram with a clunky design. It’s pretty common that your friends and relatives struggle when they assemble and manoeuvre your pram, but if you are struggling also as a parent then that’s a sign to upgrade. Signs of clunky design include wobbly steering, stiff adjustments and capsules that are difficult to remove and replace. Your pram is intended to add value, so if you do not pursue recommended prams, you may be hindering your daily activities.
2. does not fit with your lifestyle
Just as no parents are the same, neither are the lifestyles that they lead. Your pram does not need to be a one-size-fits-all solution, you can carefully select a style that best meets your lifestyle in all its forms. If your current pram is not suitable for your jogging regime or travel schedule, you need to make the change. It isn’t too much to ask that your pram upgrade will seamlessly accommodate every facet of your life.
Some of the older pram models are not compatible with the modern pram features that make a pram so functional. An upgrade will be the next step if your old pram will not accept handle additions, weather covers or travel systems. Most quality models will be able to accept additions, regardless of the brand. But if it is too old? The compatibility will not be possible, and you will notice the absence of those functions.
4. you have more than one child now
When you buy a pram for the first time, your new bundle of joy was the centre of your world. Now? There are a few little loves of your life and they are all needing to be transported in a new quality pram. Twin prams are popular for twins and siblings that are close in age, so you may want to explore an upgrade option that will bring order to you and your little ones. You can also find new toddler additions that will ease that period of having your children at different development stages. Bench seats, kiddie ride-along and glider boards can be affixed to a new pram and always make those family outings so much more enjoyable.
Cast a critical eye over your old pram, and ask yourself how much longer you can really last with it. The difference between an old inferior pram and a new superior pram can be your sanity, and your ability to stay mobile and safe. Baby Train is synonymous with the most modern pram designs, so contact our specialists online or call 1300 844 616.